Snapmaker 7th Anniversary Column | Letter from Gulang

Snapmaker 7th Anniversary Column | Letter from Gulang

“Snapmaker is now 7 years old, and I have owned this printer for 4 years. During these 4 years, Snapmaker has made significant progress. Software, hardware, resources, and many other aspects are rapidly getting better. I was also lucky to participate in some software and hardware testing programs and recognized that Snapmaker has been working hard to improve user experience continuously.”

Snapmaker 7th Anniversary Column | Letter from Lilian Chamontin

Snapmaker 7th Anniversary Column | Letter from Lilian Chamontin

“I started using my Snapmaker F350 with the laser head, having the feeling it would be easier to master the technical side of it, then I moved to CNC which I still use very often, and finally 3D printing. Every time I design and make something new, I also learn something; and each time I have this great feeling of having passed a new mastery milestone.”